About me
I am a curiouse and motivated person, apassionated of Web Development.
My strengths are:
- flexible by nature and can quickly adapt to changing situations, quickly find a common language with people,
- meticulous and attentive to details,
- persistent and diligent, capable dedicate hours and hours to resolve a task.
- Scrimba Front End Developer Career Path, certificate
- Udacity Front End Developer Nanodegree Programm, certificate
- JS/FE PRE-SCHOOL 2022 (JAVASCRIPT), The Rolling Scopes School, certificate
- React Development Workshop from SheCodes, certificate
- Google UX Design Certificate from Coursera
- Google IT Support Certificate from Coursera
- Build Responsive Real-World Websies with HTML and CSS, by Jonas Schmedtmann certificate
- Responsive Web Design corse, FreeCodeCamp, certificate
- Web Developer by Ivan Petrichenko, certificate
- Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Code example
Combine objects
Your task is to write a function that takes two or more objects and returns a new object which combines all the input objects. All input object properties will have only numeric values. Objects are combined together so that the values of matching keys are added together.
An example:
const objA = { a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 }
const objB = { a: 3, c: 6, d: 3 }
combine(objA, objB) // Returns { a: 13, b: 20, c: 36, d: 3 }
function combine(...objs) {
const result =
objs.forEach(obj => {
for (let prop in obj) {
result[prop] =
? result[prop] + obj[prop]
: obj[prop];
return result;